Results signify many things to several people. Ask a hard up man and he would be grateful for fifty dollars, seek a rich man and he would need millions. Ask a priest, and he calculates his results in souls, a builder, in houses, a salesman in sales.

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What it really comes down to is that results are only worthwhile when they are comensurate with the trouble required to achieve them. Unfortunately, most do not want to put the hard labor in, to attain results meaningful enough to be a payment. To justify the trouble.

Horse racing is the same. There is plenty to be made, but it’s not made by those walking in off the streets and looking for a fast buck, a speedy return, an easy ride as it were.

You either put the tough labor in, or pay for someone elses hard work, whether that’s from a jockey who knows people (or maintains to, at any rate), from a slick gambler, or from someone looking to sell the science they have, from hard work of their own that they have put in.

Whichever system you pay for, you can be sure that it won’t be cheap – because, again, the trouble involved is what you are paying for. So when people inquire “Why would tipping services sell their horse racing tips, if they worked, wouldn’t they use them themselves?”, they are asking a fairly routine question, but the truth to the answer lies in the drudgery involved in getting something that works, against the odds, against the bookmakers, and does so constantly and profitably.

Undeniably, they are using the knowledge themselves – and if they’re not, then yes you should doubt the validity of their claims, but there are limits to results, in profit terms, before those running the system realise that they’re no longer deceiving a sheep, but are instead being mauled by a wolf. Bookmakers close accounts, or limit the account expenditure to some insignificant maximum.

It is imperative to be very diligent, shrewd, when you’re a wolf rising out of a paddock full of sheep, it’s pretty conspicuous.

So then it is essential to get results in other ways, to diversify, so you can detect genuine results, horse racing tips australia that deliver on the undertaking.


Believe that it can occur for you, put the endeavour in, or pay for the privilidge of someone elses sweat, someone elses expert australian horse racing tips. Check us out for a lot more information, including ways to kick-start from a small base, how to find and develop discipline and the key reasons why you fail as a punter.